Key Information for Breed & Discipline Groups
If you are participating in the Breed & Discipline Demonstrations, please read the information below.
Information which is emailed to Breed & Discipline Coordinators is also found below.
Please check back as additional information may be added leading up to Fair.
Coordinator Guidelines
As the Breed & Discipline Coordinator for your group, the Midwest Horse Fair requests your cooperation.
Music Submission
Breed & Discipline music should be submitted by breed coordinators here.
Prop Guidelines
Important information regarding props such as flags, gun powder, and obstacles in your demonstrations
Raffle Information
If money is exchanged for a raffle ticket the raffle application must be completed
Script Requirements
Criteria to follow when preparing Breed & Discipline script
Scoring of Demonstrations
A detailed overview of scoring criteria for Breed & Discipline Demonstrations
Scoring of Stalls
A detailed overview of scoring criteria for Breed & Discipline Stalls
Stall Front Requests
Complete this form to have front and/or side panels removed from your stalls
WHC Membership
Breed & Discipline groups accepted to participate must be a minimum of a level II member of the Wisconsin Horse Council