This scoring system has been put in place to ensure that the groups performing are the best representation of their breed group or association and will perform at the highest level during the Midwest Horse Fair.
If selected to participate, the previous year's demonstration scores along with the stall scores will be used to determine priority for stall assignments, demonstration times, and practice times for current year. Top scores receive first consideration when placing time and location requests. Please note that scoring is based on both of the demonstrations at the Midwest Horse Fair and is determined by a committee. Feedback received at the fair and compliance to deadlines and guidelines is also taken into consideration.
Scoring for the Midwest Horse Fair Breed & Discipline Demonstrations is based on the following criteria:
Script (0-5 points):
Time (0-5 points):
Show Attire, Costumes & Tack (0-5 points):
Music & Props (0-5 points):
Professionalism & Safety (0-5 points):
Entertainment Value (0-5 points):
Total (30 points possible) |
Tips that may help to enhance your score:
- Describe the history of the breed, color registry, or discipline. Education is a very vital part of the Midwest Horse Fair.
- The script should focus on the breed or discipline rather than on the individuals participating in the demo.
- Describe or illustrate the ways in which the breed is typically shown. Show off your group's versatility & range.
- Have a plan for your performance which is more intricate than riding the rails. Consider incorporating a pattern, props, or bringing horses into the arena as the demonstration progresses.
- Stay within your 10 minute time frame - this includes setting up and taking down props. Include the set up and take down of props as part of your performance or while the performance is going on and plan on ending your demo at 9 1/2 minutes in case something happens.
- Don’t forget to be creative! This is one of the best opportunities to show the talents of your breed or discipline to a large audience.