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Working Equitation Challenge

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Midwest Horse Fair Working Equitation Challenge

With USAWE Judge Doreen Atkinson

Top USAWE competitors display timeless versatility and precise horsemanship skills as they compete in three trials!

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 11-13, 2025 

Watch as advanced riders from diverse equestrian backgrounds demonstrate their expertise in the exciting sport of Working Equitation; a new discipline that quickly growing in popularity across the US!

Midwest Horse Fair is proud to present the 2025 Working Equitation Challenge with USAWE Judge Doreen Atkinson, showcasing proven W.E. riders as they compete in three separate trials and are evaluated for classical precision, traditional ranch versatility, and the test of speed. The timeless tradition of ranch work across all nations, ethnicity, and breeds, are honored in the sport of Working Equitation. 

Don't miss this chance to witness the Top 10 selected riders as they compete to win $3,500+ in Cash & Buckle Prizes!

Join us throughout the weekend to watch these top competitors demonstrate their skill in each of the USAWE Working Equitation trials!

Coordinated by USAWE Affiliate Organization, The Sunrise Ranch. To apply for the 2025 Midwest Horse Fair Working Equitation Challenge, contact Adrienne Dymesich at: 

Applicants must be members of USAWE and horse/riders have record of skill for consideration and acceptance in this USAWE Challenge.


The levels of Working Equitation are a progression of skills from simple walk/trot expectations that are ideal for beginners, youth, and green horses, but the seven level progression leads directly to masters where FEI skills are required and the Grand Prix rider can be challenged.

This sport honors the heritage of the working ranch horse in countries around the world by the chosen tack and attire of each rider and their horse.

While the sport officially emerged relatively recently here in the US, it has ancient roots based on traditional horse-riding practices from the Mediterranean basin. Today the USAWE competitions are modeled after the World Working Equitation standard, evaluating the combined scores of Dressage, Ease of Handling, and Speed, with the addition of a fourth trial, the Cattle Trial. The last test of sorting and penning cattle as a team is the cumulative application of skills and maintains the tradition of the sport, ranch work.

Modern working equitation prides itself on its inclusiveness, welcoming riders from all disciplines and horses of all breeds. By maintaining close ties to its traditional roots, this sport has brought old-world horsemanship values to modern riders across the globe.

Would you like to know more about the sport of Working Equitation? Visit the official USAWE website for details on the objectives of Working Equitation and how you can engage in clinics and shows in your area.

Learn more at the website. 

The 2025 Midwest Horse Fair Working Equitation competition is open to spectators with the purchase of a daily general admission ticket. Purchase General Admission tickets at any Blain’s Farm & Fleet location throughout the midwest starting early November!

Competition times to be published in the Midwest Horse Fair online schedule by March 1, 2025.


Learn more about the Working Equitation Challenge Competitors and their Special Horses! 

Mario Contreras & RA Maximo

Mario Contreras & RA Maximo

Mario Contreras is no stranger to the spotlight. His full-time career of 30 years now, allows him to enjoy that spotlight every night of the week at Medieval Times in Chicago Illinois where he resides as the head horse trainer for the Chicago-based castle. He has competed on horses all over the country in Dressage, Alta Escuela, Halter, and Working Equitation. While his passion for horses stems from his Alta Escuela and Dressage background, Mario has also enjoyed competing and giving clinics for the fast-paced sport of Working Equitation.

Alongside Mario in many of these competitions, has been PRE stallion RA Maximo who Mario has had the pleasure and honor of training from the ground up. Maximo was brought to Mario as a rambunctious 3-year-old stud colt but now at the age of 15, he has blossomed into one of his most trusted and competitive mounts in the barn. Maximo's resume far exceeds his reputation, from World Championship titles to movie premieres, to parades and so much more.

Mario and Maximo are thrilled to be able to partner up once again to see how they do in the Working Equitation Challenge.

Kim Deeters & SC Mister Dual Prep "Murray"

Kim Deters & SC Mister Dual Pep “Murray”

Kim is from right here in the Upper Midwest; North Branch, Minnesota to be exact. Like many other hardworking horsewomen, horses were her childhood love, returning as a passion that she can now focus on again. Murray has been her partner in Mounted Patrol for the Isanti County Sheriff’s Office, parades, cattle drives, cutting, Cowgirl Challenge, extreme obstacle courses, ranch horse shows, Versatility competitions, Reined Cow Horse events, endurance races, and the occasional trail rides with friends to get a couple beers or dilly bars, perhaps even with headlamps. Those who know Kim recognize the special partnership she has with her little Quarter Horse Murray.

Murray is a cow-horse-bred, AQHA gelding that has been Kim's partner for nine years now. What he lacks in size, he makes up in heart.

We welcome this polished team to the MHF WE Challenge!

Matt French & Navarro

Matt French & Navarro

USAWE Master competitor Matt Frenc is an accomplished performance trainer and well recognized for his presentations of partnership with his magnificent Mustang Navarro. Together they are known for a flare of the dramatic and have been featured in Renaissance and Baroque demonstrations.

Hailing from southern California, we welcome them to the Midwest!

“Navarro found Matt French 8 years ago in the wastelands of San Diego. He was wild and unbroken, but through Navarro's endless patience, he was able to teach the man how to ride. He's not perfect but they are improving all the time.” ~ Matt French

Marcelo Guzman & "Lil Rockstar"

Marcelo Guzman & “Lil Rockstar”

Marcelo's heritage is rich with four generations of ranching and "huaso" rodeo competitors in his home country of Chile. From equitation lessons in the Chilean Army and Open Level Championships in the Chilean rodeos to studying cutting in Australia, FEl Reining in Europe, to competing in the US on his own imported Chilean stallion, Marcelo has taken every opportunity to learn and compete successfully at an FEl level reaching the World Ranking n1 in early 2018. In recent years Marcelo and several horses out of his program including 3 Chilean stallions have risen to the top in performances in reining, reined cowhorse, ranch horse shows, roping, and freestyle.

Currently, besides training Working Equitation & Ranch Horses for Reined Cowhorse, Marcelo is focusing with the objective of qualifying for WAWE international competition and USAWE PI and judges accreditations.

“LiL Rockstar”, Marcelo's 14 hand Chilean stud has proven himself more than capable in everything asked of him, even achieving the American Stock Horse Association Region 4 Champion last year.

Elliot Holtzman & Wallapeno

Elliot Holtzman & Wallapeño

Celebrity horseman Elliot Holtzman and his wife Caitie run Versatile Horsemanship LLC based out of Nocona, Texas.

Elliot is an accomplished professional in reining, reined cow horse, ranch versatility, dressage, jumping, and liberty. He travels the country and abroad as a clinician, demonstrates for expos, and is a highly acclaimed judge for the International Liberty Horse Association. Always ready for a new adventures and something challenging, Elliot completed the 500-mile Gaucho Derby last year and is taking up Working Equitation this year. We welcome Elliot and his QH Wallapeño to the MHF Working Equitation Challenge!

Wallapeño is a 7yo American Quarter Horse Gelding that Elliot originally trained and showed in the NRCHA snaffle Bit Futurity. Since then he has earned Oklahoma Stock Horse of the year and several ILHA Liberty Freestyle championships!

Dan James & Don Magnum

Dan James & Don Magnum

Dan James, originally from Queensland Australia, is now based in Lexington Kentucky where he runs DDH USA with his wife Elizabeth. Recognized for his unique understanding of how horses learn and his long and impressive performance record in many disciplines, Dan is highly sought after for performance, clinics, and elite competitive events. Dan’s famous horses and diverse horsemanship capabilities are in high demand for film and movie productions like the fan-favorite TV show, Heartland.

Working Equitation has caught Dan's interest and you will soon get to witness his first competition in this exciting sport of versatility and skill.

Double Dan Horsemanship is proudly sponsoring Amber Marshall of the Heartland TV series, at the 2025 Midwest Horse Fair. On Sunday Dan will be performing Liberty demonstrations with Amber and the DDH celebrity horses. Make note that the exciting final Working Equitation trial of Speed and the WE Challenge awards will be immediately following this liberty performance. Don’t miss any of these exciting events!

Seth Marshall & Vozarron AR & Poppy

Seth Marshall & Vozarron AR & Poppy

Working Equitation first appealed to Seth Marshall’s competitive interests because of its high standard of horsemanship. The unique combination of classical riding and practical application became his passion, quickly solidifying its place as his primary discipline.

Seth Marshall has been riding and showing in USAWE since 2019. He is an international clinician, professional trainer, USAWE judge candidate and co-hosts the Everything Working Equitation Podcast.

Vozarron AR, is a magnificent 5-year-old performance PRE Andalusian Stallion imported from Spain just last year.

He is co-owned by Seth & Michele Marshall and Brenda Moore and stands at Marshall Performance Horses.

Poppy is a game Holsteiner mare who joined the Marshall Performance Horses program a year ago. She had to be retired from hunter derbies after an injury, but she loves her new career in Working Equitation. Poppy's favorite WE trial is speed!

Amy Star & Homem Brilhante

Amy Star & Homem Brilhante

Riders active in Working Equitation are familiar with Amy Star of Tucson, Arizona as she is a USAWE judge and competitor in the southwest region. For those of you who haven't met her yet, we asked her to introduce herself.

"The joy of riding and feeling true partnership with my horses has always been a great motivator for me to learn more. I moved to Belgium to train western equitation and reining in 1992, while in Europe I was introduced to the Lusitano horse and the Portuguese riding traditions.

In my journey with WE I have successfully competed on 10 different horses, that I have trained up through the levels. At the Brazilian WE Invitational in 2018, I won the individual Silver Medal and the Team Silver Medal. In 2023 in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, I was the Chef d' Equipe for the 2023 USA Youth Team at the WAWE World Championship. I have earned credentials to judge WE in both the USA and Canada.

My Master's level horse is "Humbug", a perlino Lusitano Stallion I purchased as a weanling. Together we have earned Championship titles in 5 different levels and helped my daughter Summer Star qualify for the Youth World Championship of Working Equitation in 2023. Humbug works as a Master level competitor all while serving as stud on our ranch.” ~Amy Star

Miguel Undabarrena

Miguel Undabarrena

Miguel is a USDF bronze, silver and gold medalist. He has been a Master competitor in Working Equitation since is start in the US and was the first to compete in WE internationally. He has trained six horses to Masters level 7, is a USAWE “r” judge, and today is a highly sought-after trainer and clinician for WE.

In 2018 Miguel was on TEAM USA for the International Working Equitation Championship Challenge in Brazil where they took the silver medal.

Miguel reached new heights in 2022 by qualifying for the Working Equitation World Championships in France, where he and his Andalusian stallion Altivo MABU became the first to represent the U.S. on this stage.

Miguel is passionate about training horses, bringing forth undiscovered talents, and supporting riders and their horses in forming harmonious teams.