Rideshare Drop-Off Location
If you're taking a taxi or rideshare to Midwest Horse Fair, direct your driver to enter in the Rusk Avenue gate and leverage the shuttle bus lane to drop you off by the ticketing tent outside our Exhibition Hall.
Saturday ONLY Park & Ride Lot
Midwest Horse Fair and Alliant Energy Center are once again offering a Park & Ride option on SATURDAY Only for 2024. Avoid the traffic at and surrounding the Midwest Horse Fair by parking at Ahuska Park.
We have arranged for Badger Bus service to run every 15 minutes to and from the park and ride lot Saturday from 7:00 am - 11:00 pm!
Look for the Midwest Horse Fair blue parking signs and take advantage of this service!
Will Call Booth
Please note if you need to visit the Will Call booth to pick up general admission tickets, you must use the OLIN AVENUE ENTRANCE. The will call booth is only located just after the Olin Avenue entrance gate.