The 2025 clinic participant application is now closed. Thank you to all who applied!
Space is limited - apply today!
This is an opportunity to participate with your horse in a clinic at the 2025 Midwest Horse Fair. Application requirements are noted below. Being a clinic participant is your chance to bring your horse to the fair and learn hands-on from clinicians who are masters in their disciplines!
Video Requirement
- All applicants are required to submit a video with their application. No video requirements for the Breakaway Roping clinic.
- Video cannot exceed five minutes.
- Video must be provided through an online link such as YouTube or Vimeo. Remember to check that your privacy settings allow outside viewers.
- Film your horse in an arena if possible.
- In the video demonstrate all the maneuvers and gaits you and your horse are capable of performing as relevant to the clinic in which you are applying.
Selection Process
- Complete applications with video are reviewed for selection.
- Selected participants will be notified by the end of February.
- If accepted, you will be given a limited amount of time to confirm your participation and pay the non-refundable clinic fee. Additional forms and information will be sent by March 13.
Important Information
- Horses must arrive on Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
- Horses must stay on the grounds until 5:00 p.m. on Sunday.
- Clinics will be conducted in areas where there are likely to be large crowds. Opportunities to warm up in the actual arena or other arenas may not be available. Please do not apply if you and/or your horse cannot function in such a setting.
- All participants must adhere to the Midwest Horse Fair Code of Conduct.
- Clinics conducted at Midwest Horse Fair may include multiple participants.
- Clinics are subject to change at the discretion of event management.
- It is the policy of the Midwest Horse Fair that if a scheduling conflict arises due to participation in multiple events, you or your group member must choose which event to attend. Special accommodations and refunds cannot be granted. Those who cancel last minute (within two weeks of the fair) and/or due to scheduling conflicts are less likely to be selected as participants in future Midwest Horse Fair events. Participants should apply for no more than THREE events.
- In the unlikely event that a clinician is unable to conduct their clinics as scheduled because of an unavoidable event (such as illness, accident, flight cancellation, death in family, etc.), Midwest Horse Fair will make every effort to retain another clinician of similar caliber to conduct clinics on the same topics as scheduled and clinic riders will not be given any refund of clinic fees. If for any reason, a suitable replacement cannot be retained and a clinic must be cancelled, participants will receive a refund of clinic fees.
- As in past years, clinic participants will be issued a 'Horse Participant Wristband' for the weekend, after all consent forms have been submitted. This includes admission and access to barns and arenas.
NEW for 2025
- There will be a horse stall fee of $60 for clinic participants NOT affiliated or participating with any other group. Stalls are 10 x 10.
- Tack stalls will be on a to be determined basis.
- All equine animals entering the grounds for MHF must have the following documentation:
- Original and a copy of the laboratory report of a negative equine infectious anemia (EIA) test conducted within one year of the last day of MHF.
- Original and a copy of the certificate of veterinary inspection issued within 30 days of the last day of MHF if you are coming from a state other than Wisconsin or Minnesota.