The Midwest Horse Fair is dedicated to the continuation and prosperity of the equine industry. It is the responsibility of all participants of the Midwest Horse Fair or partnering organizations to abide by the following Code of Conduct and all rules set forth by the Midwest Horse Fair. Failure to adhere to these rules may alter or hinder current and/or future participation.
- Participants shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, regulations and mandates, as well as rules and regulations set forth by the host facility.
- Participants are expected to treat all equines humanely. Cruelty or rough handling will not be tolerated. If unsafe or improper treatment of any animal at the Midwest Horse Fair is witnessed, participants should immediately alert staff, official veterinarians, or security on the grounds.
- Participants are expected to treat each other in a courteous manor. Conflicts should be reported to a Midwest Horse Fair staff member.
- Sportsmanlike behavior is expected of all participants and spectators. Participants should not criticize or interfere with the instruction of any clinician or judge.
- Participants shall be good representatives of Midwest Horse Fair at our event as well as other events. Please partner with us to make all communication, written, verbal and social media, positive for the well-being of both parties.
- Participants may not misrepresent the lineage, age, or breed of any equine prior to or during the Event.
- Breed & Discipline groups are allowed to advertise their official organization or association during their two demonstrations and on assigned stall displays. Any other advertising in stall area is prohibited. There will be a $250 fine per occurrence.
- Photography & videography is allowed, but selling photographs or videos taken at the Midwest Horse Fair is strictly prohibited. Photographers must remain outside of the arena confines.
- Participants are responsible for the care of their equine, and equines are expected to arrive and be kept in show condition (i.e. bathed, brushed, and clipped per breed standards).
- Horses should be of a healthy body condition. All horses are subject to veterinary inspection and evaluation. At the discretion of the Midwest Horse Fair, a horse deemed unfit or unhealthy may be prohibited from participating.
- Notes about the equine and owner’s contact information should be indicated on the stall card and placed in a visible location.
- Veterinarians are onsite all weekend and should be contacted if any equine requires attention.
- Participants should not care for anyone else’s equine without the owner’s permission. To insure the health of your horse and other participants' horses, it is recommended that you are in contact with your veterinarian prior to your trip to the Midwest Horse Fair. Participants will be required to complete a Horse Health Questionnaire upon arrival.
- For the safety of all participants and clinicians, participants must abide by the instructions given by gate attendants and only enter arenas when and where directed.
- All participants, especially those under the age of 18, are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet while mounted or driving on the show grounds.
- Owners are encouraged to hang halter and lead line on the outside of their stall for easy access in case of an emergency.
- Participants must wear horse participant wristbands at all times. Wristbands will be checked at the entrance to the grounds and at the arena gates.
- All tack must be in good condition and suitable for performances.
- Participants must wear appropriate riding attire; no open-toed shoes are allowed.
- Logos or signage promoting an organization, farm, or business that is not a Midwest Horse Fair sponsor, clinician, commercial exhibitor, breed/discipline group or Stallion Avenue participating farm is prohibited in demonstrations, clinics, competitions, and shows.
- Equines should not be cross-tied in aisles if they prevent the passage of other equines or attendees.
- Participants may not ride equines inside the pavilions with the exception of designated arenas or holding areas. Riding in stalls and aisles is prohibited.
- Smoking is not permitted in any of the buildings or pavilions.
- Stall layouts may only be altered by Midwest Horse Fair or Alliant Energy Center staff.
- Zip ties, clamps, “J” hooks, and string can be used to affix decorations to stalls. Drilling, nailing, stapling, welding, screwing, taping, and using adhesives of any kind is strictly prohibited on stalls and pavilion surfaces. Violations will result in fines in excess of replacement costs.
- Per Alliant Energy Center rules & regulations, the use of paint (i.e. hoof polish or lacquer, etc.) on pavilion floors or surfaces is strictly prohibited and subject to fine in excess of repair costs.
- Per Alliant Energy Center and Madison Fire Department, tents and canopies larger than 10'X10' are not allowed in buildings. If more than one tent or canopy is used the membrane structures must be at least 10' apart.
- Sleeping in Pavilions is prohibited by Alliant Energy Center and Madison Fire Department.
- In accordance with public health and safety guidelines, food cannot be prepared, given away, or sold to the public in the pavilions. The only exception is food for you or group members. Store-bought wrapped candy may be given away.
- Horses not participating in Stallion Avenue, regardless of gender, are strictly prohibited within the confines of Stallion Avenue and designated Stallion Avenue practice areas.
- Motorized vehicles are prohibited inside of the pavilions and under pavilion overhangs.
- Storage of tack, feed, and other equipment is only allowed within the confines of an assigned stall. Using the corners, side walls, aisles, electricity/water access points, pedestrian walkways, exterior overhangs, or other open space of the pavilions for storage of these items is prohibited.
- Only horse-drawn vehicles, such as carriages, buggies, or sulkies, may be stored along the outside wall of Pavilion Two in designated areas as signed. Horse-drawn vehicles blocking doorways or walkways may be removed at the discretion of the Fire Chief and Midwest Horse Fair.
- It is strictly prohibited to advertise horses for sale. The ONLY exceptions are as follows:
- Official Midwest Horse Fair Program Ads & Midwest Horse Fair approved Banners may advertise the sale of horses which are NOT at the fair.
- It is strictly prohibited for horse participants to sell or advertise products or services. The only exceptions are as follows:
- Breed & Discipline groups are allowed to sell club promotional products within their hospitality booth. These items may include club memberships, club logo apparel, or entry fees to equine shows where proceeds go to the club.
- Stallion service fees, and advertising stallion services is only allowed for sale in Stallion Avenue by participating farms.
- Horse boarding, lessons and training service fees, and advertising of these services are only allowed in Stallion Avenue & Stable Lane by participating farms.
- Posting flyers of any kind on pavilion surfaces is not allowed. Flyers promoting a breed/discipline group or Stallion Avenue horse may only be distributed within the stalls of breed or discipline groups or Stallion Avenue.
- A $300 fine will be charged for each violation of the MHF Sales & Advertising policy.
- Participants are encouraged to walk equines under saddle en route to any of the arenas, however, participants may ride equines en route to any of the arenas if it can be done safely and equine is under the full control of the riders. Removing the bridle before unhitching a driving equine, anywhere on the grounds, will result in immediate removal from the grounds, without refund.
- Use safety lanes & horse only lanes where indicated en route to the Coliseum and arena. Only those escorting a horse should use designated horse lanes. For the safety of all participants, the horse lane should not be used as a warm up area when another horse(s) is en route to or from the Coliseum.
- Equines are expected to stay in the areas surrounding the pavilions. Equines should not be ridden or led near the Outside Mall, Exhibition Hall, Food Court, or Trailer Avenue.
- Equines are not allowed in the camping areas.
- Walking equines on the grass areas of Alliant Energy Center is not allowed.
- Dogs are allowed in certain areas of the Alliant Energy Center grounds, but must be leashed at all times. Dogs will not be permitted in the Exhibition Hall or the Coliseum, with the exception of service animals, as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act.
- Personal motorized vehicles such as golf carts, scooters, and gators are not permitted.
- To report a violation, please contact a member of Midwest Horse Fair staff, as indicated by their name badge and radio.
- Veterinarian contact information can be found on stall cards posted at each stall. To address any immediate concerns, please visit the Welcome Center in Pavilion Two or the Show Office in Exhibition Hall.
Updated March 6, 2024
© 2024 Midwest Horse Fair® ★ ★ Midwest Horse Fair is owned by the Wisconsin Horse Council