Midwest Paint Horse Club
The Paint horse first made its appearance in history books in its earliest form ‘cave paintings’. Dating back to the time period between 20,000 and 15,000 B.C. in remote caves of south-central Europe, some of these cave paintings depicting the Paint horse can still be viewed today. These horses were described as having spotted marking representing both Paint horses and Appaloosas.
By the time the 1800’s galloped into town, the paint horses took the stage as one of the most popular horses in the West. Native Americans particularly favored the hard working colorful horses. The Comanche Indian Tribe were some of the paint horse’s biggest fans, along with the cowboys, of course. In the 1960’s cowboys and girls wanted to preserve these great horses by creating registration associations that paved the way for the American Paint Horse Association.
Mrs. Rebecca Tyler was inspired to create a registry to preserve these beautiful, smart, and athletic mounts and the American Paint Stock Horse Association, also known as APSHA, was made a reality in February of 1962. The first but lesser-known association was created in 1961 called the American Paint Quarter Horse Association also known as APQHA. This registry was for Registered Quarter horses who created foals who were crop-outs of the breed by having too much white. This registry also accepted horses without two Quarter horse parents as long as the horse had some Quarter Horse bloodlines and possessed definite Quarter horse like conformation with excessive white. Since both the American Paint Stock Horse Association and the American Paint Quarter Horse Association had a similar agenda, a merger of both associations became a reality on June 3rd, 1965 when the APHA was born.
For more information please visit the American Paint Horse Association at www.APHA.COM