Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club
The Wisconsin Morgan Horse Club (WMHC) was founded in early 1978 and continues today as the state organization for the promotion of America’s first recognized breed of horse, the Morgan. The WMHC has been voted the national “Club of the Year” numerous times by the American Morgan Horse Association in recognition of our activities to promote the Morgan breed and also for our outreach through the annual Club Directory, monthly newsletter, web site and Facebook page.
The WMHC embraces both amateurs and professionals as well as all disciplines that our horses and members participate in. These activities range from the annual Midwest Horse Fair; breeding/training registered Morgans; trail and distance riding; English disciplines (pleasure & park riding and driving; hunt seat and traditional dressage); Western disciplines (pleasure, cutting, reining, barrels, western dressage) and, most recently, working equitation. Our club has also sponsored educational clinics and holds our annual charity 2-day horse show every June which includes a recognized dressage schooling show (traditional and western) the first day and our open/Morgan show the second day.
Morgans are noted for their people-loving nature, intelligence, physical versatility, good health & soundness. These are all traits passed on from the founding sire of the breed, “Justin Morgan”. The only American breed of horse to be bred by the U.S. government, as part of the U.S. Cavalry “re-mount” program, Morgan horse blood can also be found in the background of a number of newer American breeds of horses including the Quarter Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse and Standardbred.
We invite you to join us in our appreciation of “The Horse that Chooses You”, the American Morgan Horse. Contact us at: www.wisconsinmorganhorseclub.org or find us on Facebook.