Rodeo City Riders
The Rodeo City Riders Drill Team is an equestrian drill team. The Rodeo City Riders Drill Team began in 1999 when six riders carried flags into the arena and performed a simple routine at the Manawa Mid-Western Rodeo. Each following year the team has grown and brought improvement in all aspects of the drill team. The team rides to a choreographed routine with the American flag to patriotic music. The riders and their horses need to be responsive, from speedy, dangerous moves to standing still for split seconds; flags add to the level of difficulty because of the use of only one hand.
The team travels throughout Wisconsin and UP Michigan performing in Rodeos, clinics and other equestrian events.
For more information, you can visit us on Facebook at Rodeo city riders Drill Team or email us at Rcrdrillteam@gmail.com