WI Pinto Horse Association
Originally established primarily as a color registry, today the association has grown to offer four conformation types, Stock, Hunter, Pleasure and Saddle. In addition to the four types of horses, PtHA® also has separate divisions for ponies, miniatures and utility horses and now mules.
Many spotted equines are eligible for registration with the Pinto Horse Association of America®. PtHA® can also register horse mares and geldings based on their color alone as well as any sex of ponies and minis.
Horse stallions cannot be registered unless both parents are registered with PtHA® or a PtHA® approved outcross breed. Pony, Miniature, and Utility horse stallions can be registered with undocumented parentage.
A Pinto horse® must have four square inches of cumulative white in the qualifying zone and underlying pink skin or have documented color on outcross papers. The color requirement is modified with the size of the equine requiring only three square inches for ponies and two square inches for miniatures.
The equines that do not meet the color requirement but have at least two or more Pinto characteristics (blue eyes; leg white is center point of knee and hock; white or multi-colored hooves; collective white in the eligible zones, but not enough to qualify for color; pink skin) are registered in the Solid Registry. If the equines are registered with approved outcross breeds but don't meet the color requirement, these equines can also be registered as Solids. Solid Pintos are only allowed to show in Solid Pinto classes.
For more information visit: Wisconsin Pinto