Crabapple Hollow Camelot (Camelot)
2013 Black Clydesdale by Crabapple Hollow Aurora X Hidden Brook Emma’s Ivy Camron
A beautifully put together Black Clydesdale, Camelot has a nice clean hock, very handsome show style, kind eyes, full of feather on his legs, unique markings, that he ties together with a sweet disposition.
Camelot’s accomplishments include:
Reserve Weanling Grand Champion at Wisconsin State Fair in 2013
Reserve Weanling Grand Champion at Boone County fair in 2013
Yearling Grand Champion Stallion at Jefferson County Fair in 2014
Sr Grand Champion Stallion 5 years in a row, Overall Grand Champion Clydesdale 2014, Reserve Overall Grand Champion 2018 & lost Grand Champion to Reserve Grand Champion 2019 to his Son & first sired stud colt Sir. William Edward aka Willie Nelson all at his hometown draft horse show held at the Walworth County Fair.
Camelots first & second proven year, sired foals are available to review, upon request to prospective breedings.
Book during the Midwest Horse Fair, and receive a special discount on his stud fee.
Pavilion One
Contact information
Owner: Mike & Shanon Nelson
County Road O
United States