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April 11, 12 & 13 - 2025

Alliant Energy Center
Madison, Wisconsin

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Stallion Avenue: Eros

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Eros is an 8 year old Friesian stallion who displays a modern build. His long legs enable him to move with elegance. At 17+hh, he makes a memorable impression, not only with his size, but with his long mane and tall. Eros is extraordinarily kind, and has a gentle temperament. He is smart, beautiful and willing to learn. He is out of Litrik fan Synaeda (Ster) and Pleione (Ster).

Eros is owned by John and Barb Rich, of Sumner, Iowa. He will be standing at Imperial Reign Friesian, Algona, Iowa, for the Sumner of 2025. He is available for on farm A.I. and shipped cooled semen.

At the 2024 FBH Inspection he scored 9.0 to earn his Star Award and was the overall Champion.




Pavilion One

Contact information

Owners: John and Barb Rich


2124 Turner Avenue
Sumner, Iowa 50674 United States



319-239-7926 (John)
319-239-3802 (Barb)